Portland Home Energy Score
Want to know what we can do for you
Portland Home Energy Score
Call Propertyexam to get your Required Portland Home Energy Score
WE have been deeply involved with energy audits, energy auditor training and Energy star verification for over 20 years. We can do this for you fast, accurately and effectively. “This is not our 1st Rodeo”, we won’t make costly mistakes or call for unnecessary upgrades.
You can just have the Rating inspection for $250 plus costs (travel & filing fees) base fee*.
Or, we will add your Energy Rating for $150 onto a whole house, seller’s inspection.
Having a seller’s inspection is a valuable tool that can help you market and sell your property. We really hope you will consider going this route and will find that you will be getting more value for your money. A seller’s inspection will allow you to all but eliminate any after offer wrangling or negotiations during a sale. You’ve already completely disclosed everything to a high standard and there simply isn’t anything to haggle about. You can also use the seller’s home inspection to prepare yourself for what can come to you from a buyer and the kinds of things that a home inspector will point out to them. This allows you to address the problems up front. Or, if you choose to change/correct/upgrade anything in our inspection report, we can upgrade your inspection report to reflect the updated conditions at no charge. This way you can still use it to show potential buyers. Nationally, most people who buy a pre-inspected home do not even have another home inspection. Just one more way to make your property sale more streamlined and drama free.
Portland Home Energy Score Realtor office training available, please call 503-679-7184 to schedule.
All home buyers may be interested in getting an Energy Score Assessment and Report. Although mandatory within Portland City limits for listings after 1/1/2018, houses listed before that date will not have that information available. Houses being sold outside of Portland city limits and in Washington will also, not automatically have that information. Everyone is becoming more aware of energy costs and the value associated with more efficient homes (and inversely, less efficient homes). Having this information prior to purchase is valuable information. Outside of the Portland program, Propertyexam offers a US Department of Energy HES, Home Energy Score assessment and score for any home, as an add on service to a whole house home inspection. We can do this for a flat fee of $150. We encourage all home buyers and realtors to consider adding this service to the home inspection. The HES report will inform the buyer what they are getting, and what the potential operational energy cost will be for operating the home. It will also provide them with recommendations that will improve the home’s performance and value in the future, helping them to improve the home’s value.
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