We offer certified HUD 203K consultant and FHA fee inspections. We are ready to provide any of the host of inspection services that encompasses. We trust you will find our service to be prompt, professional and useful. The 203K consulting service is very complete and well organized. We will also provide Home Inspection service for streamline 203K transactions that will help that program along considerably. Keep in mind we offer a class on the 203K program, free of charge to Realtors and Lenders to help navigate this program and promote communication and understanding between us and all the parties involved.
Lastly, regurding payment of inspections scheduled by lenders. The fees are due at the time of the inspection. When dealing with lenders, we understand often the borrower is not at the location being inspected and their is no mechanism to accomplish payment at that time. We are happy to complete the service and bill the lender with deliver of our report on the subject property. The invoice terms will be “due upon receipt”. We are not part of the transaction, and do not expect or agree to be paid upon “closing”. It is felt that would infer that Property Exam may have a bias that could affect the validity of the inspection service and report in question. The fees are due, reguardless of the outcome of the inspection or the transaction. The fees are expected to be recived within 21 days of the inspection date reguardless, or 20% interest rates will be applied.
Compliance Inspections have been required more and more. The fee for these inspections is $250, plus travel if they are outside of the Portland Metro area. These inspections are often overlooked until the “final hour” and then there is a scramble to get them completed. We will do everything we can to complete these inspections and reporting in as timely a fashion as possible. The sooner they are scheduled the more quickly they can be complete. We are proud to say if really needed, we can often deliver a completed report the same day as scheduled.
Please be advised. When a price is quoted for any FHA or HUD inspection, it is for that inspection as per basic HUD guidelines & forms. There are many lenders and specifically underwriters who have some specific requirements of their own. Sometimes this takes the form of other documentation or specific photographs of subject property. Be advised, FHA & HUD do not have any specific requirements for photographs to accompany any reports or forms. We are happy to meet lender needs, and under most circumstances will do so at no additional charge. However, we have to be informed of these types of lender requirements in detail when the inspection is scheduled. If a return trip to any subject property is needed to fulfill a requirement that was not clearly requested when the inspection was scheduled, it is a re-inspection. Re-inspection fees are $150, plus travel time and mileage (dependent upon location).
This is not any attempt to increase fees, quite the contrary, all inspection services are on a time-is-of-the-essance basis. We do not want to return to any property needlessly. We greatly preffer that lender needs be fulfilled. However, every lender has different expectations about what they receive. Often lenders coufuse their requirements with FHA/HUD guidlines. This is the only way we have of coping. It is best, if lenders have specific requirements, they include them in an email, requesting the inspection service. Lastly, please feel free to email or call for with any question regarding this or any other service we offer.