Commercial Property Inspections are the most lucrative aspect of the property inspection industry. Commercial Property Inspections are expected to grow exponentially in the immediate future. There are very few inspectors who are currently set up to handle these inspections correctly. My ComInspect 3 day Boot Camp is the 1st positive move in preparing for this explosive market.
This is a hands-on practical approach that will prepare you to move forward and start marketing and performing Commercial Property Inspections NOW. The 3 day program will be intensive, there will be homework assignments during the program and some to complete afterward for review.
This “Boot Camp” doesn’t end on Sunday evening, you will leave with assignments to complete. They will be reviewed and discussed afterward to insure you are confident and prepared to create proposals and bids for Commercial Inspections. You will receive 90 days of ongoing “mentoring” and consultation on all aspects of commercial property inspections. This is the single most valuable aspect of this program. After attending the live Boot Camp, I will help you to implement the principles, each step of the way, so that you can become successful as a commercial property inspector. The cost of the complete program is 1/2 of my commercial inspection minimum $750 ($400 for the program only without followup mentoring). Please be advised, if the mentoring and support program is a time consuming as expected, it may not be offered at this price again.
This is not a technical lecture on HVAC or anything like that. This is a business workshop, designed to launch your commercial inspection business. There may be specific technical expertise that you should have or obtain in order to expand your commercial inspection business and take more control of it. The more technical experience and expertise you have, the more you can do and the less reliant you will be upon specialty sub contractors to complete your commercial inspections. The best suggestion I have for completion of your technical education is the ComInspect (through InterNACHI training) Commercial Inspection Training. The development of this training program is ongoing and it will continue to be refined and improved upon. However, you will be able to competently launch a successful Commercial Inspection business at the end of this Boot Camp seminar. You will be ahead of the “pack” and it will become very difficult to catch up. It is our goal to establish a network of qualified ComInspect commercial property inspectors. Step up to the plate now.
If you wish to know more about the Boot Camp, feel free to email or call me. If you call please be understanding if I am working, and ask you to call back. I will give you a time but I am busy all the time. I generally have several inspection projects going at once.