We offer a wide range of energy conservation inspection services including the initial analysis, additional consultation, and training sessions. We are available to perform full energy audits and analysis on commercial and residential buildings in and around the Portland, Oregon metro area. All residential properties inspected for energy efficiency by PropertyExam are analyzed using Building Performance Institute Standards by a certified BPI Building Analyst. All commercial property energy efficiency audits are analyzed using the US Department of Energy & EPA, Energy Star commercial building Energy Performance Rating System. We inspect new construction and there are opportunities for tax credits through the DOE’s Energy Star, verifier program. Property Exam Corp. is a Home Performance Trade Ally with the Energy Trust of Oregon, an Energy Star Verifier, and is owned by a BPI certified Building Analyst and Building Analyst Certified Trainer, Scott Harris. Scott actively participates in the training of BPI Building Analysts and performs Energy Audits personally as PropertyExam’s lead inspector.
Residential Energy Efficiency Audits
Energy efficiency is important for so many reasons. Global increases in energy efficiency reduce pollution and have the potential to reduce the costs of nearly all commodities. In most countries energy for home use comes from coal or other sources which cause a great deal of pollution. While the global community has made incredible strides to improve air quality and reduce pollution, each individual has the power to contribute. In the home, energy efficiency saves you money and reduces your carbon footprint. Even if you care very little about the environment, saving money is a no-brainer. As you heat or cool your home, the outside temperature reduces or increases the internal temperature. Depending on how well insulated your home is, this could have a small or great impact on your energy efficiency. PropertyExam offers energy efficiency audits which evaluate your energy usage (natural gas & electrical) and identifies possible areas of improvement. We use thermal imaging equipment to identify leaks in insulation, broken window seals, and other areas where your home is wasting energy. If you have a large home or use a lot of light bulbs (especially outdoor lights) you may be wasting money on inefficient light bulbs without even knowing it. Our energy efficiency audits will evaluate the heat signature of your home to identify the exact areas of waste.
Commercial Energy Efficiency Audits
Operation costs are a huge factor in the success of a business. By lowering energy costs you can effectively earn more money each year as a business owner. Not only are there tax credits and immediate financial benefits of operating at optimal efficiency but there are long term financial benefits as well. Identifying areas of potential improvement is one of the biggest perks to our commercial energy audits. Whether we identify more efficient lighting options such as LED lights or if we find heat loss due to poor insulation, there is a good possibility that fixing these issues will save you a great deal on operation costs over the course of years of business.
Energy Audit Training
This is an unprecedented opportunity to become part of a young and fast-growing industry devoted to reducing our country’s energy use and dependence. It is very exciting to be part of an industry that combines great business opportunity and is so completely directed to make long term financial improvements for everyone, literally everyone. Contact PropertyExam owner Scott Harris at 503-679-7184 for more information about training to be certified for energy audit inspections. Training is available by appointment in the Portland, Oregon metro area and periodically throughout the year via scheduled training classes.
Additional Resources:
We hope you found this post to be informative and helpful in finding answers to your questions. PropertyExam is dedicated to providing a great service that helps home owners and business owners save money while helping to improve the environment and air quality. If you have any questions that weren’t answered here please feel free to contact us via email or call. In addition to energy efficiency audits we also offer residential and commercial property inspection services for sellers, buyers and before or after renovations to verify the quality of work performed by contractors. We are proud to be a part of the Move-In Certified and Energy Star programs.